Just follow the dotted line: Easier said than done

Ten nautical wheelers took to the water today.

After a few drills, all hands sallied forth on a 400 yard time trial to get a feel for our pace.  After that we had the simple task of follow the leader by staying on the gigantic lane lines on the bottom of the pool.  FAIL!  What kind of guy can't even navigate along a massive black line drawn on the bottom of the pool???  Don't answer that.

Later we practiced a piroutte maneuver, and it was really a beautiful sight to behold.  Listen men, here's the deal… we're getting fast.  Listen to Coach:  https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/2dd262d3-d165-4d5c-8c6e-e37a9cfe9700#rkrGn2nxIM.copy