Just gonna put this out there……I’m done with burpees

Event Date

Sep 14, 2023


4 men at Cobalt this morning. Q’s vehicle was the only one in the parking lot. EC to rest of Pax.


SSH X 12 IC, Runners Lunge, Merkins X 15 OYO, Cherry Pickers

Main Event

Run to Boat Launch parking lot. Launch from top of parking lot and run down to boat launch. At top: 10 X burpees OYO, 20 X abs of preference (AOP) called by Pax in rotating fashion. At bottom: 15 X merkins OYO, 20 X AOP called by Pax. 6X through. Run back to clubhouse. All she wrote.


  • Surf apparently has a 30 burpee ceiling then he moves on to something else. Just like at BK bro…..have it your way.
  • Grip was NOT in attendance due to an “early” eye doctor appointment. Fairly certain most eye docs don’t open until 8am.
  • Surf collected on his bet with Tigre on the UNC / App State game. Q facilitated payment. No processing / handling fee…..yet.
  • Toro still getting his 530am Saturday 10k runs in with some pain stations. Hit him up if you’re looking for some miles early on Saturday.
  • Early feelers put out for P200 participation…..
  • Great work men.