Just Like 1-2-3….Hundred

8:30 Tuesday evening and YHC checks the calendar to see who will be Q-ing the beatdown this morning.  Calendar is empty, my arm feeling twisted, I enter my name.  Now what?  The Olympics won out, watching Norway take down the ROC in beach volleyball then Simone Biles on the beam.  I'll figure it out in the morning.  Alarm clock goes off at 5, stretching begins, I'll figure it out in the car.  Pulling up to the AO, I'll figure it out during Warm-O.  Alas, a plan is hatched!


  • 25 SSH IC
  • 20 Hillbillies IC
  • 10 Windmills IC
  • 10 Grandma Maters IC
  • Arm Circles

The Thang – to the softball field hill and partner up.  One partner performing exercise while other navigates the hill

Round 1: 100 burpees, mosey down and alternate quadraphelia/sprint up

Round 2:  200 squats, mosey down, karaoke up

Round 3:  300 merkins, mosey down and alternate quadraphelia/sprint up

Mary's Merry-Go-Round – each PAX gets an exercise and counts IC

  • Crabby Patty – American Hammer
  • Sparrow – Shoulder Tap Plank
  • Thrift Shop – Freddie Mercuries
  • Travolta – Pretzel Crunch right on left
  • Iron Hors – Pretzel Crunch left on right
  • Export – SSH
  • SWFL – LBC's
  • Bertha – Low Flutters

Reflection – Use Your Motivation – Mustang & SVU completed 7554 burpees during the month of July (probably more), that's 243.7 per day.  That is a significant number.  We all have a motivation to be part of F3, to post, to participate in 2nd and 3rd F's.  If this were easy, there would be 500 people with us every morning.  The things we do are hard and we need to appreciate and celebrate that. Whatever your motivation is, keep it, let it push you, let it challenge you to be better, faster, stronger or whatever it is you're looking for. I think of friends and family who have health or personal issues they're dealing with, it makes me realize I have nothing to complain about.  Just ask the voice in my head that screams at me when I'm slowing down and running out of gas.  Sometimes fatigue gets the best of me while others the voice wins,  Whatever it is that motivates you, acknowledge it and use it to your advantage.


  • Thrift Shop is back from vacation and still on CA time.  Apparently it was a true vacation with no burpees, squats or merkins.  Just a bear in the dumpster outside his AirBNB
  • PAX questioned Export's choice of SSH during Mary, was more of a complaint that all had to get off their 6
  • Travolta insists Sparrow did 250 of 300 merkins – that's a good partner to have!
  • Crabby Patty questions Mysterion's assessment that it takes 15 minutes to swap out gear shift cables after a 1 hour 45 minute effort
  • SWFL and Iron Horse had some difficulties counting the merkins – oxygen deprivation

Pleasure to lead this morning.  Namaste, Bertha