Just like old times at Fallout

Some men choose the pain of discipline, some choose the pain of regret.  Some choose to ride bikes in spandex.  But 13 men wore mens clothing and put in work.  Here is their story:

0500: Calypso, Turnpike, 9lives, BEP & YHC set out for a 3 mi jaunt aka #TheStandard

0502: Calypso's knee had other plans and he turned around

0503: YHC almost ran into a man eating spider, h/t to somebody for the light at just the right time

0504: Dallas showed up sans socks

0506: We complete a loop around the school to pick up the sockless one, per the usual

0525: YHC arrives back at the cars before dallas to claim a triumpant victory!  dallas goes potty

0530: A total of 12 men set off for a workout where we dont just run in a straight line, i know, its different but just go with it.

0532: BEP finds us after his elvis


The best warmup this side of Beatties Ford rd.

SSH x 20 (IC)

Cotton Pickers x 20 (IC)

IST x 15 (IC)

The thang:

Mosey to the goal line for the Michigan


Had the pax line up for cackalacka choo choo and did lateral drills in and out while pax are in plank.  End with a burpee


then cackalacka choo choo

Mosey to the hill:

1 on 1 shuttle runs up the hill x 2-3

1 on 1 shuttle runs on the track x 2-3

burpees for the losers.

Since most were not doing the burpees, YHC decided to reward them with Broad Jump Burpees up the parking lot.  This was not well recieved.

A few Incognitians decided to bear crawl or lunge walk, so of course we lunge walked back to the start and repeato.  thats how you give the middle finger to Incogs without actually giving them the middle finger (must maintain composure ;-))

Then split the group, half do peoples chair, the other half do 20 box jumps.

Flap jack


Mosey to the monkey bars

pull up sets of 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and then one of 5.

Mosey back to field, happend to find a ball and threw passes for burpess.  Most dropped it, some caught it, so everybody did 5 burpees oyo.

Mosey back for COT/

Hey JustDarrel (seriously, somebody named an FNG just Darrel?  Please identify yourself so the public mockery and naming suspension can commence) & GraveDigger, you guys need to get registered on the website so i don't refer to you as FNG1 and FNG2.  Until that point you will be known as TweetleDee and TweetleDumb.  Welcome, please come back!

Dallas, strong work this morning, i now know how to motivate you.  Maybe for next years BRR i will implement this strategy.

Calypso, the knee seemed fine when you and 9er were running around me during BJB.  Glad you are better!  And thanks for the coffee.

Turnpike, strong work, won the BJB both times!

Beach, welcome back!  Pool season is over, good to see you this AM.  Also youre fast.

Elmers & Hasselhoff, glad to see you, but where was the rest of the tundra crew?

Steamy, i think the last time i saw you was when I q'd the estate a while back.  Glad to see youre still at it.

Congrats Thor on the pending wedding this weekend, I guess my invite got lost.  Just text me the address.

It was an honor to lead you guys this morning, thanks to T-bone for going out of town and calling for Qs and for 9lives calling me out for not Qing here recently and as always thanks to BEP for inviting me out to F3.  This AM was like old times when i first started F3, a nice group of a bakers dozen, mixing in a little football at the end, the same characters still around, great times!  But even better to see some newer guys out, glad you men are with us.  Its time to share it, if you are like me, I am never happy to get up at 0430, but I am never unhappy at 0615.  This is a gift men, and somebody is praying for you to share it with them today, dont be afraid! 
