Just when we thought the barista couldn’t think any lesser of us…

YHC grabbed this Q on the calendar a while back, then earlier this week realized I was scheduled to be out of town today.  YHC reached out to a few pax for help and Gnarly Goat immediately responded by taking it.  Aye – good leader that Goat.  Day before the workout, YHC determined I could not leave town and thus would be posting at the AO, so YHC informed Gnarly Goat.  Turns out someone had asked him to cover a shift at the first station, so he deferred the Q once again to YHC.  PB was sent out but YHC did not update the website and for good reason – Would Dingo, Eeyore and Auto and perhaps numerous others have come for a non-Goat Q?  Questionably not, I say.

So the alarm rang and 14 in total emerged in the gloom to warmer weather and a surprise Q with their kettle bells.  Here’s what happened next…

Warm-o-rama (SSHs, ISTs).

To the memorial. Along the way, curls and skull crushers.  Strategically place the KBs in a row at the top, back of the stage.

Lap around the green, over to Main St Coffee

Tunnel of love for our favorite barista (bad idea)

Kacka lacka choo choo.

Back to the Memorial area.

At the curb: Making of the Connor McGregor

Mosey to the middle of the somewhat soggy green.

Bells at the top, back of stage lined up.

Pax is mid-field in teams of 2, lined up.

Pair-a-pax takes turns running to the stage, carrying all 14 KBs to the bottom step, then sprint back. Next team is up, sprint, move all bells back up on the back of the stage, run back to mid-green. Keep repeating.

Rest of pax doing various exercises like CDDs, squats, Merkins, lunge walks.

Back to DPK for some pectacular exercises always with two trophy pax up on the pedestal doing monkey humpers.

Over to the start for “I surrender” with and without bells, then Ultraman led some KB Jack Webbs.





The surprise moleskine:

  • Great to see some irregulars here – especially since it wasn’t raining.  Auto, Eeyore, Dingo – c’mon back anytime.
  • Love seeing Tagless conquer The Cauldron – think he may have been a little disappointed at the amount of ground he covered though. Surprise!
  • 2nd day in a row Eeyore and Frontier came to YHC’s Q.  Getting’ a little creepy, but appreciated nonetheless. 
  • Auto wore a weighted vest for almost the entire workout, but his huge KB (presumably filled with helium) must have made the exercises easier.
  • The pax complained about the tunnel of love.  Some perhaps b/c it was not COVID-safe (a legit concern and YHC did not think about that prior – Cobains) and I did check with Gov Coop – we have not relaxed the public to allow the Tunnel of Love in public.  Yet.  But more complaints were heard in regards to the pavement (another Q fail – that looked painful and thus was rightfully halted before it was my turn).
  • But the kacka-lacka-choo-choo was a moderate success (at best) and if nothing else all was seen and noted by our barista, Julie, inside Main St Coffee.
  • The pectacular exercises should offer up a reminder of the workout for the pax at some point over the weekend.  You’re welcome.
  • As promised, the MQ of Cauldron is taking notes each week on participation, effort, leadership and mumblechatter among other things and awards are to be handed out monthly.  Rules will be documented and shared once all awards have been handed out.  Duh. 
    • This month’s award went to Ultraman.  He earned himself a VT-colored Pug Kettlebell workout t-shirt.  It is an amazing combination of ugly, cute, tough, feminine and dorky awesomeness all wrapped up in one piece of unisex apparel.  Congratulations, Ultraman.
