Just your typical Monday morning boot camp…

15 Pax were represented at The Sword. Here’s the summary:


-Commander run
-Side Straddle Hop x50
-Slow Wind Mill x10
-Imperial Storm Trooper x20
-Toy soldier x20
-Slippery Dip Can/Dwight Schrute x15

Get rocks:
-Skull crusher x15
-Bent over row x20
-Overhead press x15

On your 6:
-3-2-1 Merkinators OYO (5 regular; diamond; 5 wide)
-WW II’s x20
-Chest press x20
-V up crunch x15
-Mobility moment

3-2-1- (partner up with another pax):
-300 LBC’s while partner runs
-200 ‘mericans while partner runs
-100 squats while partner runs

Mosey back to point

Mary (Dying Cockroach & Lbc extension)

Recover, Recover

-Tuffy’s brother passed away. Keep his family in prayer.
-Remember Amen’s family member, Lisa, and her illness. Pray for their family.
-Pray for The Force’s son and his friend in college (Sophie 20YO) who has a mass/growth on her lungs.

It was an honor gents. Until next time…
