
17 souls showed for an extremely muggy morning to get a downPAINment on the Memorial Day weekend feast.  As is always the case, there were a few 2.0s that muscled through the beatdown (noted above as FNGs).  We did, in fact welcome an actual FNG…welcome to Josh Vazquez.

Warm Up run around the parking lot (backwards, karaoke, butt kickers, high knees).

Circle Up for WARMORAMA: SSH, IST, Toy Soldier, Cotton Pickers, Windmills, slow Mericans (3-count down, then up on 4)

THANG: Kamikaze*

Start at the bottom of the fields, run to the top of the first hill, then back, top of the second, back, top of the 3rd, back.  Stop at the bottom of each hill for 10 Mericans and the top of each hill for 10 Squats. Stop at the bottom each time for 20 LBCs

Indian Run the long way around to the cinder blocks. Partner up, each pair gets one cinder block.  We saw the squall line of downpours coming at us from the South, so we got under cover fast.

Partner 1: 20 step ups (10 each leg), Partner 2: block curls until Partner 1 is done, flip flop, repeato

Partner 1: 10 skull crushers, Partner 2 People's Chair until Partner 1 is done, flip flop, repeato

Partner 1: 5 Burners, Partner 2: Dips until Partner 1 is done, flip flop, repeato

People's Chair Indian Run around the building

MARY (on the ground, on the table, on the benches, wherever it is dry)

Flutter Kicks x25ic, Mason Twist x10ic, Dot The I's x25ic (Thanks Canary), WW2 Sit Ups x15 (Thanks Elmers)




Lots of good mumble chatter out there today.

Welcome Josh, who was a little premature with the self-naming this morning.  We'll chalk it up to his EH not filling him in on the initiation process (eh hem, Outsource).  You did great this morning, Josh!  You started out better than most of us on our first few times.  Hope to see you again soon.

Great to see a few 2.0s out pushing themsleves (first out of bed, then through the workout).  If you think you're 2.0 can handle the beatdown, bring em out to The Estate on Saturday.  It's not focused on "F3Dads" (read, it's not gonna be easy), but most of the pax keep the chatter clean-ish.  This morning, we had Sassy Malassy, PB&J, Stripes and Stars (SWIDT?)

Pray for Rooter's Aunt Nancy who is recovering from back surgery.

Memorial Day Murph on Monday at Jason's Deli 0700.  Bring the name of a service member who gave their lives for our freedom.

*Special prayers of honor to all those that gave their lives due to a kamikaze attack.