Kamikaze at Fallout

Event Date

Nov 07, 2023


5 Pax weren’t deterred by one closed entrance to Fallout today. They were rewarded with a nice Kamikaze. Here is roughly what went down:

  • Everyone bring a block to the lowest soccer field
  • Run all the way to the top of the third field. Stopping at the bottom and top of each hill for 5 Mericans OYO. 55 Mericans total to get warmed up.
  • Overhead block press x 10 IC
  • Bent over rows x 10 IC
  • Repeato the Kamikaze, but only go to the bottom of the last hill. 45 more Mericans.
  • Skull crushers x 10 IC
  • Curls x 10 IC
  • More Kamikaze, switched to 10 squats OYO at each stop for a total of 70 squats
  • Block chest press x 18 IC
  • More Kamikaze, with squats
  • Lawnmowers x 10 each arm OYO
  • More Kamikaze, back to Mericans
  • Low flutters x 20 IC
  • Last Kamikaze, more Mericans
  • Return blocks, doing AMRAP curls on the way
  • Mary: LBCs x 20 OYO

Recover, recover. We covered over 2 miles and had some laughs along the way. Awesome crew, YHC was thankful for the great company. 💪