Kamikaze with Blocks

Event Date

Apr 25, 2023


Kamikaze with Blocks

Despite #pb that we were doing a Kamikaze, seven men posted and were made better because of it.  T-Bone indicated that I should never #pb the Kamikaze, but he still showed anyways – probably just to tell me that (thanks for looking out). 







Toy soldier

Long snapper


The Thang:

Grab a block and let’s head to the fields.

15 reps per exercise:

Curls (carry the block up the hill)

Skull crushers


Jump squats


Burpees (audible with lunges, if needed)



We finished on time despite claims that we would not.  Gambini and Rodeo were concerned about carrying blocks up and down the hill, so Cobra suggested a more in-depth disclaimer next time.  Fortunately no one got hurt.  Rodeo and I are going to open our own soccer club to compete with Hoff and his club.  BEP proclaimed that Kamikaze was one of his favorite workouts, but I was unable to live up to his standard of hiring a bag-piper for the top of the hill – next time.  Had I known that T-Bone was going to show, I would have been prepared myself for grade-A mumble-chatter in which he is so well-versed – next time.  Always great to catch up with Snake Eyes and see him HC and post, as well as did Cobra and Gambini. 

All men did an excellent job pushing through today and I appreciate you following me throughout.

Prayers to Cobra and his family, The Force and his family, and all the families of F3.

Until next time…

– Drebin