KB are the Worst

Fifteen (15) men, including one FNG (Mike Sweeney), posted to The Rock.  It was a foggy morning of 48 degrees.  All exercises were in cadence unless otherwise noted below …


20 SSH

20 Mountain Climbers

20 IST

10 Merkins

10 Cotton Pickers

10 Don Quixote

The Thang: All Exercises are “KB-assisted” unless otherwise posted

10 Lunge to Squat Position IC

5 per side Alternating Clean & Press with a 5 second negative OYO

20 KB Swings OYO

20 Lawnmowers each side IC

10 staggered Merkins right side on your Bells IC

Recovery Lap

5 Squat Get-ups each side OYO

15 Curls IC

15 Standing Skull Crushers IC

15 Upright Rows IC


10 staggered Merkins left side on your Bells IC

Recovery Lap

10 Clean, Squat, Press IC

5 per side Alternating Clean & Press with a 5 second negative OYO

20 KB Swings OYO

20 Lawnmowers each side IC

15 dips IC

20 Step-ups

10 wide grip Merkins – Rest your Bells IC

Mary: All Exercises are “KB-assisted” unless otherwise posted


20 Mason Twist

20 Freddy Mercury – Rest your Bells

20 Box Cutters


The mumblechatter was on, as would be expected when Manhands is present.  All were sufficiently impressed with the stable of new exercises leading with the KB-Lunge-to-Goblet-Squat-Position.  Finger Lickin' Good was showing everyone up running with the bell until the last lap when he ran without the bell for extra speed (wah-wah).  Good work by the FNG hanging with the PAX.  Gotta go find some more studly youtube KB exercises for next week.