KB around the clock at The Glen

Event Date

Apr 19, 2016

As most of the HTL'ers were tapering and apprently all the new guys, most of the rest of the pax and the ones that were not traveling were either resting in the nest's or just simply fartsacking, 9 brave soles joing Chief for modified KB clock. The Clock which should have been a gloom dial made famos by our southern brother – Springfield. 

Q allowed for the PAX to talk and remince a few minutes which is always another way of warming up, I imagine that a FiA workout is also hard to get started with all the gossip and well wishes. So a plank was requested and so the clock started

Warm-A-Rama – was 10 double count merkins…. A quick banter from Hummer as to where were the SSH?

1 O'Clock – 10 – KB Swings

– Usain made a comment about something…so a 5 Burpee penalty was added.

2 O'Clock – 20 – KB snatch and press – 10 each arm.

– Since Dewey had not spoken another 5 burpee's penalty,  from here on out between the hours.

3 O'Clock – 30 – KB lawn mower pulls – 15 each arm.

– 5 Burpee's

4 O'Clock – 40 – KB overhead presses

– 5 Burpee's

5 O'Clock – 50 – KB LBC's 

– 5 Burpee's

6 O'Clock – 60 – KB Curlz

This is where Hummer again piped up and said I am finally warmed up. – Q took this as a slander to his Q as being easy…….

Might as well do a lap around the fountain, and back around the island for kicks…

– 7 O'Clock – 10 KB Swings – 10 – KB Ribbons

– 5 Burpee's

– 8 O' Clock – 20 – KB Snatch and press 10 -each

– added more KB ribbons

– 9 O' Clock – 30 – KB Lawn mowers – 5 each

– 5 burpee's

-10 O' Clock – 40 Overhead press

– 5 burpee's

– 11 O'Clock – 50 KB LBC's

– 5 burpee's

– 12 O' Clock – 60 KB curlz.

– 5 burpee's

– Run the lap again

Mary : 

10 – Flutter / KB press

Hummer – 12 – KB Mason twists

Deep End – 12 – KB WWII

Tick Tock – 12 – Peter Parkers

Mailman – 10 – Hand release burpee's 

Crack – 12 – Parker Peters

Dewey – 12 Jlows..

Moleskin :

– Discussion early was to just got to IHOP for breakfast…was a few pax interested but not a unamimous vote

– Usain was filling the mumble chatter

– I didn't realize that the comment from Hummer half way was to inform me that I did actually not even do a wark up…go figure I forgot that part…

– Motorboat was on time

– Mailman was there

– Hummers 3rd favorite KB exercise is the Ribbon…

– Crack showed because his bell was there

– Dewey was talking under his breath…just couldn't here him

– Deep End continues to be the WD with the most posts..

– Tick Tock likes turkish getups

– Usain is calling all his relatives to continue to go south and bring the italian invasion we are experiencing.

– Why does this backblast posting thing not have a spell check option?
