KB beatdown with no KB exercises?

Event Date

Jun 21, 2024

FNG-1 is Slaughter from Metro, IYKYK

8 true men weathered the fight with sheets and comfort to post at a KB workout led by a self-admitted KB hater. We used the KBs, we didn’t do weird KB exercises. We used a competitive game created for FiA by my M, Splitz. Here’s how it went…


2 TEAMS. Everyone post their KB in your team’s starting square.

GOAL: Take and keep all your team’s KBs in your drop square at the top of the ramp

Step 1-Complete the circuit: 10 Mericans, 15 Squats, 20 Dips, 25 LBCs

Step 2-grab a card from the deck: #:SSH In Cadence, Ace: You do 5 burpees, Face Card: Give 5 burpees to a pax on the opposing team

Step 3-Take one of your team’s KBs up the ramp to your team’s drop square OR go get an opposing team’s KB from their drop square and bring it back down to their starting square.

REPEATO Until time hack (0610). Team with most KBs at the top of the ramp wins.

It ended up being a tie, so we tried and failed at an unusual competition that was not well received