KB Boosterthon

Event Date

Dec 14, 2021


Run around the church, high knees, butt kickers, karaokes, conversation

The Thang

Set 1:

10 x Merican 

5 x Mason Twist with KB IC

Set 2:

10 x Merican 

10 x KB Clean (5 ea arm) 

5 x Mason Twist with KB IC
Set 3:

10 x Merican 

15 x KB Swing 

10 x KB Snatch (5 ea arm) 

7 x Mason Twist with KB IC
Set 4:

10 x Merican

20 x KB Press (10 ea arm)

15 x KB Swing 

10 x KB Clean (5 ea arm)

10 x Mason Twist with KB IC

Set 5:

10 x Merican 

25 x KB Goblet Squat 

20 x KB Press (10 ea arm) 

20 x KB High Pull (10 ea arm)

10 x KB Snatch (5 ea arm)

10 x Mason Twist with KB IC

5 WWII Situps


Mosey break lap around parking lot

Set 6:

10 x Merican 

30 x KB Curl IC

25 x KB Goblet Squat 

20 x KB Press (10 ea arm) 

15 x KB Swing 

10 x KB Clean (5 ea arm)

10 x Mason Twist with KB IC

5 WWII Situps

Set 7:

10 x Merican 

30 sec KB Side Plank

30 x KB Curl IC

25 x KB Goblet Squat 

20 x KB Press (10 ea arm) 

15 x KB Swing 

10 x KB Snatch (5 ea arm)

10 x Mason Twist with KB IC

5 WWII Situps

Set 8:

10 x Merican 

40 x KB Gunslinger Lunge

30 sec KB Side Plank

30 x KB Curl IC

25 x KB Goblet Squat 

20 x KB Press (10 ea arm) 

15 x KB Swing

15 x KB High Pull 

10 x KB Clean (5 ea arm)

10 x KB Snatch (5 ea arm)

10 x Mason Twist with KB IC



  • Got my booster yesterday at 4PM, no suffering through the night so felt I had to go looking for some pain
  • Best part about the triangle up (can’t circle up when only 3) is you can see each other so clearly, I never noticed how much Overbudget and Flo smile during workouts
  • OB throwing off some steam with the 45lb KB today, in hindsight I shoulda said pack light for this one.  I went back into archives looking for good KB use, definitely hit the mark on that one
  • Flo brought the world-famous play list, which always helps!
  • Thanks boys, another good one in the books.