KB in a van down by the river

FNG 1 is The Glove, Frosty's 2.0

Totebag and it's not easy being cheezy, Cheez Whiz rain this morning.  Contra got chased by the Baba Yaga this morning, he looked very fast.  

Interesting start to the morning…. There was some dude sleeping in his van.  Maybe he had a rough night and couldn't drive home, perhaps he was tossed out of the house and it was better in the van than on his couch, or maybe he was trying to escape O-H-I-O.  We'll never know.  I thought about knocking on the window and trying to EH him but that would violate my policy about talking to strangers. If he's there next week, I'll EH him because he won't be a stranger anymore.  Speaking of EH, we had some dude that asked to take our picture- he needed to prove to a friend he wasn't the only one crazy enough to work out at that time of the day.  I think he is a mole working for Karen.  Look for our picture from the alarmist to show up on the sentinel of liberal media, maybe CNN, maybe Rachel Maddow.  Either way, Deepend is always looking into increase the members of his friend list so he fired an invite to F3.  Let's see if he shows. 


DC and IC

15 SSH

15 IST

15 Windmill

The Thang…

The following exercises were completed IC and DC.  

1- Merkins (10)

2- Curls (10)

3- Goblet Squats (10)

4- KB assisted LBC (20)

5- Overhead Press (10)

6- UPR (13)

7- Lunge (10 each)

8- Carolina Dry Docks

9- KB Swings

10- Outhouse Curls

11- Skullcrushers

This series was completed in a wave style

Round 1- #1

Round 2, #1-#2

Round 3 #1-#2-#3-#2-#1


We made it all the way through round 7 and then finished off the last 4 exercises.


We did 160 merkins today.  You should probably do 40 more, just because.

The Glove did a great job today and didn't miss a beat when it was his turn to lead an exercise. Well done, sir!