KB Krew

Event Date

May 21, 2021

FNG-1 is the Squeeze.

Pleasure to lead the KB Krew.  A four man group of consistent KB PAX is forming.  Thank you as alwways.


20 x SSH (IC)

10 x Squats (IC)

10 x Monkey Humpers (IC)

10x Toy Soldiers

Arm Circles forward and backwards


15 x KB Around the world – 15 each direction OYO

15 x KB Curls both hands or 15 each arm as needed OYO

15 x KB Merkins- right hand on bell- 13 OYO

15 x KB Ribbons- 13 total OYO

15 x KB Lawn mower pulls each arm OYO

15 x KB Squats- OYO

15 x KB Standing chest press – OYO

15 x KB Upright rows OYO

15 x KB Standing skull crushers   OYO

15 x American KB swings

15 x KB Merkins- left hand on bell- 13 OYO

15 x Sidewinders—Yes, 14 thanks to Hefty

15 x single arm shoulder press- each side OYO

15 x deadlift OYO


KB carry lap around the flagpole


PAX choice round

Squeeze- 15 American KB Swings

Scope- 15 Ribbons

Sparrow- 15 deadlift

Iron Horse- 15 Shoulder press R and L


Return to the launch pad


LBC (IC) x 20

Low Dolly (IC) x 15

Pretzel crunch (IC) x 10 Left and right


The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many. -Matthew 20:28      Real happiness is not obtained by seeking your own personal joy and pleasure, but in putting others first.

Name-a-rama and prayer out