KB Nipple Twisters

Event Date

Apr 13, 2018

Because of the ruck event tonight we focused on Arms & Abs mainly.  So those who stayed in the fartsack worrying about their legs being warn out from bells this morning, missed out on a good workout to get your arms swollen for your woman!


  • Arm Circles
  • Hug-Yourself
  • 10 x Mericans IC

The Thang:

Round 1

  1. Goblet Curls x 20
  2. Goblet Press x 20
  3. Goblet Row x 20
  4. One arm curl x 20 each arm
  5. One arm press x 10 each arm
  6. Halo Storm Troopers x 10
  7. Lying down 4 count press and tricep extension x 10
  8. Situps with bell x 10
  9. Lying down 1 arm press and tricep extension x 10
  10. Russian Twist with bell x 20

Round 2

  1. Goblet Curls x 15
  2. Goblet Press x 15
  3. Goblet Row x 15
  4. One arm curl x 10 each arm
  5. One arm press x 10 each arm
  6. One arm row x 10 each arm
  7. Halo Storm Troopers x 10
  8. Lying down 4 count press and tricep extension x 10
  9. Situps with bell x 10
  10. Lying down 1 arm press and tricep extension x 10
  11. Russian Twist with bell x 20
  12. KB Row Plank – 10 each arm
  13. KB Obliqe lifts – 10 each side

Round the horn:

  1. KB Slow Skull Crushers
  2. KB High Lift
  3. KB Pushups
  4. KB Crunches
  5. KB One Arm Presses
  6.  KB something I forgot


Drop bells and head to tables by tennis courts.


Get a partner.

  1. One parner does plank on table seat while other parner sits down on ground and does over head press by partners ankle – X 10 press then switch
  2. One parner does push up on ground while other partner is holding parners ankle and does squats – x 10 each then switch
  3. One parner does dips while other parner has hold of parner ankles and does dead lifts x 10 each then switch


Our homeland is in heaven, where our Savior the Lord Jesus Christ is; and we are looking forward to his return . . . 
—Philippians 3:20 (TLB)

The Scriptures indicate that we are living in man’s day. But there is coming a day that will be called the Day of the Lord. In the midst of hopelessness, there is hope! And that hope is centered in the God-man, the Lord Jesus Christ. Now the will of man runs riot in the earth. Then the will of the Lord will alone be done. Until that time, we are under orders from the King of kings to proclaim His message. When we engage in evangelism, we are obeying His great command to “go and proclaim.” In doing so, we are hastening the day of His return.

Mumble Chatter:

  • Miranda says that his nipple is twisting during the plank rows, and it went downhill from there as you can imagine.
  • Q fell to the ground laughing durring merry while doing pushups.
  • Ziploc and Mater had some questionable alternate positions durring some of the merry exercises 🙂