KB Take 5 Circuit

Event Date

Oct 06, 2017




Warm Up:

  • 15 – Windmills IC
  • 15 – Mountain Climbers IC
  • 10 – Merkins IC


  • KB Squats x25
  • KB Snatch x25 Each Side
  • KB Reverse Lunch x25 Each Side
  • Push Up x25
  • KB Russian Swings x25

Jog to Flag Pole and Back – Hefty did alternate by doing KB Halo Carry

Repeat KB set x20, x15, x10 & x5 and do jog after each set.


Skipped because Zippy was about to explode.


Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness; for they shall be filled.
—Matthew 5:6

Lots of Extra Sweat on this one even thou it was a nice 55 degrees outside; Great work fellas, way to push the pace!