KB Trifecta

Event Date

Apr 07, 2017


Arm circle followed by love yourself


?25 x IC SSH

?20 x Mtn climbers

Parking lot lap


Session 1 (IC – 4 counts)

20 x OYO Russian Swings (eye level swing) 

10 x IC Hammer Curl Left

10 x IC Hammer Curl Right

10 x IC Row left

10 x IC Row right

10 x IC Goblet Squats

10 x IC Skull Crusher (tricep extension)

10 x IC Seated Swing

10 x IC Sidewinder 

10 x IC goblet curl left

10 x IC goblet curl right

10 x IC Lunge Left

10 x IC Lunge Right

10 x IC Goblet Squats

10 x IC Clean jerk left

10 x IC Clean jerk right

20 x OYO 'Merica Swings (swing to top overhead)

10 X IC Goblet Thruster

10 x IC push press (chest to overhead) 

10 x IC Goblet Squat Curl

10 x IC Around the Body leftt

10 x IC Around the Body right

10 x IC Russian twist



25 x IC LBCs

25 x IC Reverse Crunch



Proverbs 18 Verse 24 – applies to the brotherhood of F3

One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.

We have a tight band of brothers in Denver F3, a solid core. Is there others in our lives that need a strong core?


Mumble Chatter

– nice to have 2 brothers out there this morning

– perfect weather, a little chilly but the sweat came quickly

– emphasis on doing exercises left first … suggestion of a left only workout perhaps ?

– lots of chatter amongst the group, not sure there was a topic not covered.