Keep it simple

Event Date

Jul 12, 2018


Keeping it simple at SVU.  One new exercise, 105 times.  Introducing the “The Double Merk Burpee (DMB)” with 8 ct cadence.    FNG is Strudel.

Warm-up: (note 0530 go time Dandelion)


Copperhead Squats


LBH jog (not run)


The Plan: Playground Fun

   New Exercise: IC 8ct Double Merkin Burpee

Do 100 of DMB’s with PAX taking a turn at cadence call (AKA Q training).

7 PAX, so each set is 15.  Between sets, we all pick up a block and work on arms, abs or legs.

Skull Crushers

Block Overhead Flutter Kicks

Block Squats

Block Curls

Block Overhead Flutter Kicks

Block Lunges

El DiBlocko’s



Extra Credit: Playground Fun

    Max Pull-ups

    Max Merkins



    Dr. W’s


Reflection: “In your actions, don’t procrastinate.  In your conversations, don’t confuse. In your thoughts, don’t wander.  In your soul, don’t be passive or aggressive. In your life, don’t be all about business”.   

— Marcus Aurelius   

    Simple is rarely easy.  But now that you have these rules, make it your duty to put them into practice with the first item on today’s to-do list, or with the first conversation you have.  Make an effort to simplify your actions today.


Mole Skin:

  • Dandelion almost takes Mulligan out parking at 0530.5.

  • Missed the old Clark today, but did manage some vulgarities during workout in spite of his absence.

  • Shirley is in machine mode as normal.  Winner of “Best Cadence Call” award.

  • Dandelion may or may not have seen a somewhat compromised picture of Theuss.

  • Nice to meet Strudel today.

  • No Mustang presence at SVU.

  • I’ve got to start posting more than once a month.  It’s like first time sore, every time.

  • Enjoyed this morning.  Sound off in comments on missed mumble chatter.


Respectfully Submitted,

Light Bulb