Keep it simple at #TheMightOak

Today we kept it simple, but that doesn't always mean easy.  After much mumble chatter about the beatdown delivered at #TheBlender on Tuesday, YHC new I had my work cut out for me with some of the toughest PAX in NoCo.


Your standard Travolta fitness check and flexibility test started our day…you know this as

SSH x 50

Cotton Picker x 10

Spartan Stretch Routine

IST x 15

Now we get down ot business:

Pick up "Cindy", one per PAX member and split into two groups placing Cindy at the short ends of the track  behind the  school.  Group 1 starts with Cindy at one end and 20 KB swings while Group 2 starts at the other end with 20 KB burners.  Run to long ends of track for:  group 1 = 10 burpees, group 2 = 10 hand release 'mericans.  Continue around track decreasing Cindy reps by 2 at each pass, but keeping burpees and 'mericans at 10.  Go down to 10.

Put Cindy back and line up for some sprints to finish back at the parking lot.


1. great day today; awesome group who sweat together and suffered together.

2. you know it's a good beatdown when a few members of the PAX were wringing out their shirts after.

3. as always a pleasure to lead my brothers of F3.  we continue to sharpen bodies, minds, and souls before most of the city is awake!