Keeping Baller’s Ludicrous Promises

Great PB from Baller the day before, promising speed work, fat burning and upper body work. 10 pax fought the FS and the humidity seeking out this fabulous workout plan but as 5:28 came and went, then 5:29 and finally 5:30 and no Baller, YHC saw an opportunity to lead, to follow through on Ballers promises and to not let the pax down.  Oh, and YHC also knew there was NO WAY we'd get the #50ForFitness 100 curls in at Ludicrous Speed unless something crazy happened… so I jumped at the chance when the Q overslept!  Here's what went down:

0530 rang and no Q, so when YHC ran us straight to the block pile the pax was claiming conspiracy. YHC truly expected Baller to roll up any minute so we knocked out 25 block curls on cadence, then SSHs, then 15 more curls in cadence, then ISTs and Long Snappers, then the final 10 curls in cadence.  The pax began to put the blocks away before YHC had a chance to call anything else.

Mosey to the track where the pax completed 2 warmup laps followed by windmills. 

During the 1/2 mile warmup, YHC put together a quick plan. Run 3/4 lap at a strong pace, walk 1/4. Run 1/2 at a faster pace, walk 1/2.  Sprint 1/4 lap. Sprint 1/4 lap again. 
Circle up for a Merkin Time Bomb.  
Still a ton of time so partner up for the next mile. Push your partner just beyond their comfort zone. Snake Eyes def pushed me.  Thanks, Brother. 

Circle up for Mary. Pax choice around the circle. 

Moleskine of broken promises:

T-Claps to this pax of many true runners – the complaining only came from OGs 9-Lives and Calypso during the curls. Everyone else powered through. 
Matlock is a heckuva runner who now also knows how to do a Merkin Time Bomb.

Speaking of runners… Drebin and Twighlight will not be caught. They were always out in front, usually at a significant distance.  

Don't be fooled by thinking Dewey is "new" to this.  You just may not have seen him much yet. Post with him and tell me it doesn't look like he's been gettin after it for years.

Memo and Bob Ross partnered up for the final mile and pushed one another – even sprinted the final strides! Well done gents.

Thats it. That's the BB. The Force is OUT

