Keeping it easy at Half Life

Event Date

Feb 27, 2019

6 Pax showed on a surpising warm Wednesday morning to hit an advertised 6 mile easy run at 0515. HoneyBee called down to the bullpen last night needing a relief pitcher, so YHC opted to keep the track closed and take a familar route from Bailey Rd Park up 115 to the Davidson CVS and back. 

Upon arrival Tbone kicked off the mumblechatter about a lazy Q, something easy route, how come no track, he wanted the track, whatever…so with that he earned himself and his fellow Pax a route reversal which meant turning into the Antiquity neighborhood and making the long climb UP South St. into Davidson. This also meant  the climb from Davidson back into Cornelius via 115. Thanks for the idea TBone!!

Even on an prescribed easy run 8-Track and first time Half Lifer Crab Legs stayed out front pushing the pace up the Davidson hills.

On the way back Crab Legs kicked the tunes up on his phone. A classic 80's one hit wonder to which Turnpike shouted out the band name immediately. Mayhem even remembered waaay back to High School and the cheerleaders routine to that song.

Nirvana's "Smells like Teen Spirit" came on next which lead to a full breakdown and discussion on the Grunge music era and then on to the almighty 80's Hair bands, Sirius Music channels, and MTV Headbangers Ball. Turnpike's knowledge was impressive. 

All around good morning and thanks to the crew for getting up and putting the work in. We all were fortunte to be out and putting miles in when a lot of Pax are on the shelf with recent injuries.