Keeping It Local and Keeping an Obligation

The Pax had been warned . . The pre-blast said “There will probably be squats, merkins, and running”, but when I looked at the group that gathered in the gloom I decided to call an audible. I kept it local and kept my obligation.
The Thang:
Mosey around HT to the back parking lot for a Soprano inspired 50 SSH in cadence followed by 15 IST, Carrot Pullers, Windmills, Toy Soldiers and Merkins.
Mosey to the front HT parking lot for a semi four corners:
Corner 1: 15 SSH, 5 squats, 5 merkins, 5 curb dips.
Corner 2: 15 SSH, 10 squats, 10 curb merkins right side, 10 curb squats right side, flap-jack, and finish off with incline curb merkins and durkins.
Corner 3: More of the same but with a 15 count.
Corner 4: Repeato (kinda) but dropped the count back to 5.
Back to Corner 3: Repeato with a 10 count of each
Back to Corner 2: I think you get the picture
Back to Corner 1: I threw in 5 burpees OYO just because.
Back to home back with a quick SSH, squat, and merkin break and ended on time with an unnecessary plank.
Thoughts from the Q:
Happy Easter!
Jersey Boy immediately pulled something in his neck but still pushed through and finished the workout. Let us know if all is well!
Greyhound was quiet and determined. He never quit, but I don’t think I ever gave him a chance to breathe.
Possum was accusatory and called out the Q for having a bad day. The Q knows Possum eats Merkins for breakfast so the Q just smiled.
Waffle House found himself a mumble chatter buddy with Hat Trick. Sometimes the workouts are just too easy for him.
Chilly Willy didn’t think the Q would be able to remember all the exercises for the backblast. Chilly Will was right!
Hat Trick graced us with his presence. He’s been to Fission before, but not consistently. Let’s change that. Always good to see you.
Bel Air was strong this morning and never gave up, never surrendered. He’s an inspiration to us all.
Thanks for letting me lead you fine men this morning. An honor and a privilege.