Keeping it Real at SVU

Event Date

Dec 12, 2019


Saw Skipper running as I was on my way in to the AO. Then he came back for Mary and the COT so I thought that was BB worthy. 



10 Sprinklers IC

10 Windmills IC

Right over left, left over right stretches

20 Monkey Humpers IC

The Thang:

Mosey to the clubhouse and back

-1 PAX on the bottom of the LBH and 1 PAX at the top of LBH with a messanger running back and forth relaying the cumulative counts

First round top of the hill 150 merkins at the bottom 200 squats

Second round top the the hill 150 lunges at the bottom 300 LBC

-Mosey to the bottom of LBH

Sprint to the top of LBH mosey back

20 merkins OYO

Quadraphelia to the top mosey back

20 merkins OYO

Sprint to the top mosey back

20 merkins OYO

Quadraphelia to the top mosey back mosey back to the launch pad

20 merkins OYO


PAX choice 

Strudel- 10 side crunches each side IC

Scope- 10 flutter kicks IC

YHC- 20 LBC IC, 10 each leg pretzel crunches IC

Skipper- 10 box cutters IC


Matthew 22:37-39

Jesus replied, “‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’[a] 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 A second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.

Jesus wasn't picky on the people he loved. We need show his love to everyone. That is how we will bring people to know him.



Not to much mumble chatter going on during the work out. Well not much I could hear, because of my cho cho train breathing

Scope's words of wisdom, " You gotta start somewhere." You have been killing it the last couple of weeks. Love to see the effort

Strudel got us out on our warm-up run to the clubhouse setting the pace for a 8:30 minute mile. That's fast for me even though it is a SVU workout. Thanks for the push

Skipper it's pretty cool that you stop by after your 6 miles to say hi. Thanks brother

Thank you guys for letting me lead and pushing me to be better. 
