Keeping things rolling at The Mighty Oak

12 men met in the gloom at The Mighty Oak on a mild but humid LKN morning (Tin Cup not listed on website).

Turncoat and Royale accompanied YHC on a standard run through MacAulay and Wynfield. Being a typical one-upper, Royale got extra credit for running to the standard run from his house. He will only get slight partial extra credit, however, since YHC gave him a ride home after the workout was complete.

Anyway, their story goes like this…

Mosey around school with high knees, butt kickers, carioca

Warmorama: SSH, IST, carrot pullers, mountain climbers, merkins

Mosey to cinder blocks (bc it’s beach season):

  • Curls x 10 IC
  • Chest press x 10 IC
  • Skull crushers x 10 IC
  • Move to wall…for balls to the wall and people’s chair + air press
  • Repeato x 2

Mosey to crosswalk @ bus entrance:

  • Plank walk across, stop at each stripe for merkin; duck walk as line advances toward start

Mosey to planters and partner up (bc it’s BRR season):

  • Partner 1 touch them butts AMRAP, partner 2 run a lap around lot, flapjack
  • Partner 1 dips, partner 2 run a lap, flapjack
  • Partner 1 alternating (or oscillating, perhaps) step ups, partner 2 run a lap, flapjack
  • Partner 1 incline merkins, partner 2 run a lap, flapjack
  • Praying mantis x 15 IC

Mosey to parking lot (bc it’s taco season…?):

  • Sprint to last parking lot island. Winner gets to perform 10 burpees. Since YHC is of the “participation trophy” generation, we were all winners and all got to do 10 burpees.


  • Low flutter x 40
  • WW2 sit up x 20
  • Crunchy frog x 15
  • Plank it out

It was a great morning to be outside and lead a great group of men. Excellent work by all and I appreciate all who fought the alarm and made it out. Thank you, Roadie, for the opportunity to lead at this fine AO today.


Until next time!

