Kettle Bell at The Glenn – Welcome March

12 – Pax and 3 #Pre-Standard Ruckers mosyed to The Glenn for guest Q – Chief who brought his winky just to make sure he stays on the path that was planned. Usually this Q will change said path depending on how much the Pax complains or gripes about the workout. 

Not listed above is Drive By as he is not in the system yet…that is being fixed. 

The Thang:

As always everyone wonders why Mailman is not at the workout that he started a while back, but his counter part Dewey was in attendance. But in his place we were welcomed with some super..short shorts. Where was Manhands…he might have had a new crush on Usain. 

Elbow plank while we waited on Agent Orange and Trilam…of course they were in no hurry.

Warm-up : All in 3 counts

IST X 15, ?? something else and a lap around the fountain.

5- Burpees

KB 1- Arm press. Right Arm – 10 , Left Arm – 10

10 – Merkins

KB – Squat Press X 10

10 – Wide Grip Merkins

5 – Burpees

KB – Two handed Out House Curlz X 10

10 – Inline Merkins

5- Burpees

KB – Swing X 10

10 – Derkins

5- Burpees

KB – Right arm Lawn Mower X 10 , Left Arm X 10

Take a lap around the fountain.

Elbow plank for rest 1-Min

5- Burpee's

KB – Right arm press X 8 , left arm press X 8

10 – Low Flutter

KB – Squat Press X 8

10 – LBC

5 – Burpees

KB – One  handed Out House Curlz X 8 left then right 

10 – Freddie Mercurys

5- Burpees

KB – Swing X 8

10 – WWII 

5- Burpees

KB – Right arm Lawn Mower X 8 , Left Arm X 8

Take a lap around the fountain.

Elbow plank for rest 1-Min

5- Burpees

KB 1- Arm press. Right Arm – 6 , Left Arm – 6

10 – Lunges each leg

KB – Squat Press X 6

10 – Lunges each leg

5 – Burpees

KB – Two handed Out House Curlz X 6

10 – Lunges each leg

5- Burpees

KB – Swing X 6

10 – Lunges each leg

5- Burpees

KB – Right arm Lawn Mower X 6 , Left Arm X 6

Elbow plank for 1 min. 

Recover, Recover


– we were welcomed by some short shorts and hairy legs…thanks for that visual Usain

– While Trilam – was over there whining I noted a chuckle from Agent Orange

– Q also made a girlly like whine during the one arm overhead press, shoulder did not like it…..

– Nymph and BigMean were reminding the Q of his mistakes during cadence calls. Noted…that a Q school was just around the corner.

– The average age seems to be OVER 50 – RESPECT, strong work.

– Glad to see Drive By posting, looks like he's becoming a regular.

– 3 PAX Rucked prior? Big Mean and ??? 

– Always nice to get back in the saddle and push the pax. Or at least I was pushed today.

