Kettle Bell Shadows

Event Date

Feb 02, 2018


Arm circles followed by love yourself

Wall sit with 10 x IC KB Air Press

25 x LBCs IC

25 x Reverse crunches IC

Session 1 (IC – 4 counts)

30 x OYO Russian Swings (eye level swing) 

10 x IC Row Right

10 x IC Row left

10 x IC Goblet Squat

10 x IC Skull Crusher (tricep extension)

10 x IC Suitcase swings

10 x IC Sidewinder 

10 x IC goblet curl right

10 x IC goblet curl left

10 x IC goblet curl

Wall sit with 10 x IC KB Air Press

25 x LBCs IC

25 x Reverse crunches IC

Session 2

30 x OYO 'Merica Swings (swing to top overhead)

10 X IC Goblet Thruster

10 x IC push press (chest to overhead) 

10 x IC Hammer Curl Right

10 x IC Hammer Curl Left

10 x IC Goblet Squat Curl

10 x IC Around the Body right

10 x IC Around the Body left

10 x IC Russian twists

10 x IC Clean jerk left

10 x IC Clean jerk right

Wall sit with 10 x IC KB Air Press

25 x LBCs IC

25 x Reverse crunches IC


Oh we did Mary all right so we will go around the horn for PAX choice

Hefty – 10 IC Kettlebell plank underpass thing

Spork – 10 OYO KB Merkins

Crawdad – KB on chest leg lift something 15 each side IC

C# – WW1 Situps with KB IC


1 John 2:11 (NIV) But anyone who hates a brother or sister is in the darkness and walks around in the darkness. They do not know where they are going, because the darkness has blinded them.


  • Fun chatter as always afforded by remaining stationary during KBs

  • Spork wants to run, lookout tomorrow mustang. I tried talking him into a murph except throwing in 400 count ab work … lucky for those at mustang tomorrow he declined

  • You aren’t getting stronger driving the KBs around in your car trunk

  • THC was musical and everyone kept a safe distance

  • Kettle Bell did not see his shadow this morning … spring is around the corner