Kettle BELLing in the Purple Rain

Event Date

Apr 22, 2016

Five PAX shunned the fartsack and braved the Purple Rain for a Kettle Bell Party… Like it was 1999!


Warm UP            

                Run a lap

                SSH – 20

                Windmill – 10

                Bend & Reach – 10

                Arm Circles

                Triceps Stretch

                Thigh Stretch


Round One – Little Red Corvette

The PAX partnered up for some sprints, and tough KB exercises.  

                Partner One – Sprint  – KB Sumo Squat w/High Row

                Partner One – Sprint / Partner Two – Double KB Lateral Raise

                Partner One – Sprint / Partner Two  – Double KB shoulder Press

                Partner One –  Sprint / Partner Two  – Double KB Row

                Flapjack & REPEATO after each set

Round Two – Let's Go Crazy

After a round of way too much running, the PAX pushed themselves through the paces with some tough KB classics.

               Goblet Squat Hold – 15 seconds (2 sets)

               Goblet Squat – 15x (2 sets)

               Double KB Curl – 15x (2 sets)

               KB Calf Raises (Flat) – 20x (2 sets)

               KB Triceps Extension – 15x (2 sets)

               Overhead KB Press – 10x

               Lawnmower – 15x e/s

               One Arm Overhead KB Press – 10x e/s

               Power to the People – 10x e/s


Round Three – When Doves Cry

The PAX got on the move again, and by this times YHC was starting to gas, and I thought, "Maybe I'm just too demanding? Maybe I'm just like my father too bold?"  Either way, withe finish line in sight, we finished strong. 

               Lunge to Middle Island

               SkullCrusher – 15x

               Zamperini Walk to Stop Sign

               KB Curls – 15x

               Zamperini Walk to Middle Island

               Clean and Press – 10x

               Walking Skull Crushers back to starting point

               Teabag Squat – 15x



1. Great work by the Pax today.  It would have been a good morning to sleep in with the rain and all.

2. Remember the prayer requests for all those mentioned this morning, especially our HTL Brothers.

3. Frontier is looking for Qs all next month.  Show up and show out!

