Kettlebell Hell or KettleHELL??

Event Date

Jan 23, 2025

0500 Chilly Willy, Slingshot, Mr Holland, and myself met for a quick 3 mile standard then carried on for the rest of their marathon training. Thanks for joining me guys!

0530 Shadow, Lambeau, and Toby met for 45 minutes of Kettlebell fun. Here’s how it went:

Warm up:

  • SSH x20
  • Toy Soldier x10
  • Hill Billie’s x10
  • Carrot puller x10
  • Mountain climber x10

The Thang:

       Nickels and Dimes (A Jobe favorite!)

Every minute on the minute you’ll do two rounds 5 reps, and 10 reps of two exercises. You do this for five minutes. Ending with 50 reps of the first exercise and 100 reps of the second exercise in five minutes.

  • 5 pull ups x2
  • 10 merkins x2

Repeat x5 for 5 min then take a 1/2 mile lap

  • 5 kb swings x2
  • 10 kb OH press x2

Repeat x5 for 5 min then take a 1/2 mile lap

  • 5 curls x2
  • 10 lawn mowers x2

Repeat x5 for 5 min then take a 1/2 mile lap


  • Low flutter x10
  • Box cutter x10
  • LBCs x15
  • American hammer x15
  • Pretzel crunch x15 ea
  • Suzanne Somers x15 ea

Recover recover

Strong work today fellas, we should feel that for a couple days. Thanks for joining me in this crisp 17° gloom. Plenty of openings to Q Dragon Slayer, don’t be shy! 

Be the light in someone else’s darkness. 

until next time, 
