We began looking for some cover from the wind, but a little mosey got us a bit warmer and we didn't need it.

Forward straddle Hop -25 IC

MTN Climbers 25 IC

Arm Circles 10 IC


Main thing:

   Set 1

    Merkin/KB touch x 15

   LOw flutter with KB OH x 15IC

   Goblet Squats 15 IC  (repeat Set 1)

Set 2

   KB Swings 20 OYO

   1 arm squat press (8 each side, IC)

   Lawn Mowers 15 each arm, IC (repeat set 2)

Set 3

   Curls 15 IC

   SKull crushers 15 IC

   Backward Lunge- KB through the leg – 20 OYO  (repeat set 3)


P1 Farmer carries both KB, partner performs 300 LBC's (as team)

Flip Flop

Nex exercise: 150 CDD's


Recover, Recover