Kid Rock at the Mighty Oak

15x Pax showed for a Kid Rock themed workout at TMO this AM since

Kid Rock will be playing at the PNC Pavilian Friday, Sep 20. *clapping*


Trivia would be spread thru the workout. 

Each wrong answer is 10x Burpees.

Right answers, just get to skip the burpees for a different ex. *fingers-crossed*


Slo' Mosey over to the Concrete Balls in front of the school.  


At Kid Rock's Balls

LeapFrog – Merkin over each Ball

Hop over the ball, 1x merkin, go down the line of Balls and Al Gore at the end.

Repeato back to the BlueTooth speaker playing welcome to the *star*"Greatest Show on Earth"*star* by KR


First trivia question

What is Kid Rock's hospital name?

A.  Duane Charles Knox

B.  Robert James Ritchie – friends call him Bobby 

C.  Justin Stuart Johnson

PAX got it wrong, guessed Duane.  10x burpees!


Mosey over and grap a Cindy. 

The Q breaks out a red*alert*/blue flashing flood light *party-parrot*

for the concert effect. 


Get a Kid Rock Block

How old is Kid Rock

A.  45

B.  48 – Jan 17, 71

C.  50

Correct answer!

Rock 48 Curls 

16x Low, 16x High, 16x Full Curls


Which presidential candidate used the

song “Born Free” *merica* as their campaign theme?

A.  Donald Trump

B.  George W. Bush

C.  Mitt Romney

D.  Hillary Clinton

Correct Answer!

15x block swings OYO


Sep 2005, Kid Rock filled in for the lead singer

of what band and sang what song at a benefit

concert that raised $30M for Katrina relief?

A.  Lynyrd Skynyrd – Sweet Home AL

B.  The Rolling Stones – Waiting on a Friend

C.  Nine Inch Nails  – Hurt

Correct Answer!

15x IC Shoulder Press (actually 30)


Over to the Rock Wall (school)

Peoples Chair with Air Press x 10 IC

Bunyan 10 count during Balls to the Wall

repeato with MQ Dingo giving a 10 count during Balls to the Wall


Back to the Cindy's


Kid Rock has met the following

Presidents while in office:

A.  Bill Clinton

Image result for bill clinton kid rock

B.  Barack Obama

C.  Donald Trump

Related image

D.  All of the above


 The Pax anwered Trump – 10x Burpees then

15x block squats IC


In July 2006, Kid Rock married

A. Jennifer Aniston

B. Jessica Simpson

C. Pamela Anderson *inlove*

Pax answered correctly. 


For some reason, YHC thought of the two big jugs he had brought as coupons. 

 Pax into the plank.  We passed the jugs around the circle while planking until all had their time handling both jugs.  *angel*


Kid Rock posted a photo of a “Kid Rock for US Senate” yard sign 

Image result for kid rock for senate

on Twitter, later stating he was not running and it was a hoax.

He then sold “Kid Rock for US Senate” merchandise with a

disclaimer that all proceeds go to voter registration efforts

and donated all the money to a voter registration group saying

“Not only can I raise money for this critical cause, but I can help

get people registered to vote at my shows”

How much money did he raise/donate? 

A.  $22K

B.  $100K

C.  $122K *present*

Correct answer!

10x Skull Crushers


What is the percent chance, rated by, of the playlist

being played during this workout being 

the exact playlist for Friday’s concert at PNC?

A.  50/50

B.  71%

C.  99%

Pax guessed 99%, and while YHC likes their optimism, 10 more burpees!


Put the Cindy Rocks away and mosey over for Mary.

Specialy thanks to Bouncey House for bringing the two big jugs back!



15x IC Low Flutter, Touch them Hells, Box Cutter

20x IC Suzanne Summers

15x LBC's 


Recover Recover




Thanks for Dingo reaching out and giving YHC a chance to Q. 

Tried to make it fun and not seem like a FAN-atic, just trying to do something different and entertaining along with healthy.  

So sign up to Q at an AO near you.  Or go to a new AO and Q there.  Always good to get some new blood in.  Always be EH'ing.  


TG sends.

