Kidz takeover

Kidz takeover


this started with R2 D2 stepping up. Got to witness his majestic F3 dad’s queue on Labor Day Monday at #thebridge.  
We started a couple minutes after seven once we had a great group ready to roll. First was a mosey down to the track and warmed up. We then acted like animals (even more than usual) and ran,crawled, and galloped around parts of the track. After that was the ball chase, first dads threw balls on to the field and kids chased and then the kids got a turn and dads chased. We then did some bodyweight exercises with kids. We did some lunge walks and animal crawls back up the hill and did some pull ups and exercises on the playground. R2-D2 helped the kids conspire when the Dad‘s were in a vulnerable position. Water balloons were given to the kids and the dads were targeted. Some chaos in sued that was quite fun. After the water balloons were exhausted, we went back down to the track to launch some flying balloons which the kids had to chase and catch and the dads even got a few turns. We wrapped up down at the track with, counting off, namearama, a few new 2.0s being named and a prayer.

As everyone can tell, I’m not much for great backblasts but what an opportunity this morning: Beautiful weather. Some awesome dads. Great AO. Having fun with your kids. coffee, donuts, and snacks after! Icing on the cake was R2 D2, then turned into a balloon master, and made some amazing animals, light sabers, and other creative things from balloons for the kids and maybe even a dad or two. 
huge thanks to R2-D2 and possum for helping coordinate this week and getting a great crew of 23 out today. Looking forward to it again next time. Better than my words are the pictures that R2 D2 and Possum took, which can be found here:


September and October is the time of year for #F3dad’s workouts. Gentlemen, let’s get some more on the books and reach out to R2-D2 or myself if you need some help!
