Kinder, Gentler Post-Murph Recovery Day at The Blender

Event Date

Apr 30, 2019

Ouch. I don't know about you, but that one hurt me. Everywhere. A Lot. 

2 for the Standard.  Strong work Razor and Spaulding, really dumb, but no doubt strong. (Who due to lack of website registration is giving credit to Spauldini in the pax list above)

The Thang:

0529: MasterQ TBC comes strolling into the parking lot, and with that all 9 are present and accounted for. 

0530: KB Zamporini to the top of the parking lot for warmup. 

0533: 10 Cotton Pickers, and 20 Merkins.  Warm Up achieved. 

0533:45:  KB Mosey to Pull Up Forest

Circle up for 50 punitive "lack of FNG" burpees


10 KD Goblet Squats

10 HR Merkins

10 Iron Twists (Trademarked by Lego, LLC)

Sprints – 4 of them to where ever the Q says to sprint to. 

20 KD Goblet Squats

20 HR Merkins

20 Iron Twists

Sprints – 4 of them to where ever the Q says to sprint to. 

30 KD Goblet Squats

30 HR Merkins

30 Iron Twists

Sprints – 4 of them to where ever the Q says to sprint to. 

40 KD Goblet Squats

40 HR Merkins

40 Iron Twists

Return to front of GCC for 4 SSHs, 3Minutes o' Mary, and 2 Mobility Moments

Recover, Recover!!


Naked Moleskin:

Read this: its about Locking Sheilds 

Awesome to see new & old faces at The Blender.  Yeah, I'm talkin bout you Bagboy.  Way to bring it. 

Spaulding, Razor, and Sunshine broadcasted their HCs late yesterday evening. Followed through, and won more sprints than everyone else. Or at least that's what it looked like from my angle. 

This was Sunshine's first Blender.  I hope it was a memorable one.  Great to meet you, and I'll be looking forward to your first Q.  I'll HC to that now. 

Cavity crushed this one, can't wait to boot camp with him agian next year. Actually, I hope its a lot sooner than that. 

TBC did what TBC do.

QBert forgot to break a sweat, maybe get a bigger bell next time.

Lego was also there. 


Tommorow May 1st, #HDHH:

Now read this again:
