KnockOut Knocks Out Zulu Team at The Jungle

Event Date

Apr 09, 2022

FNG1 = SwampFox
*Boar Dog was there too (aka Tripper)
8 PAX took a tour of the Mighty Jungle campus and became stronger, faster, and possibly gained a touch of trivial music and judicial knowledge. 
International Warmup: SSH (Scrappy – in English), Windmill (Toxic – in Spanish), Long Snapper (Boar Hog – in German), Titan (Slow squat – in Thai?), Baller (5 count in Cambodian). 
10 merkins and 5 pull ups – Three-peato (x3)
We would continue using our brain and braun simultaneously. 
(1) #BombBox Indian Run to Cooperhead Hill – start in the front of the line with the #BombBox. Line leader passes the #BombBox backwards like a baton. Baton gets passed back to the very back runner and back runner, upon receiving the baton, runs to the front of the line. Pass baton back again and activate the next runner. 
(2) Music Trivia – 2 Teams Alpha and Bravo. Bravo changed to Zulu team. 
Round 1: DJ Scrappy annonces the Rules. DJ Scrappy plays a song from his elitle playlist. Alpha gets to guess either the (1) Song Title or (2) Artist. ?If Alpha guesses correctly, one team runs the hill, the other does 20 merkins (we alternated this). If Alpha gets it wrong, Zulu team can steal. If steal is done, then Alpha has to do 10 burpees while other team runs the hill. 
Alpha – Titan, Omaha, SwampFox 
Zulu – Toxic, KnockOut, BoarHog, Baller 
Round 1 Music Trivia 
Song List: 
Aerosmith – "Living on the Edge"
The Chordettes – "Mr. Sandman"
Peter Cetera – "Glory of Love" (from Karate Kid 2)
Madonna – "Like a Prayer" 
Bon Jovi – "Blood on Blood"
Kid Laroi – "Stay" 
Mackelmore – "Thrift Shop"
I'm missing a few songs here, but you getvthe gist. 
Round 2: Judicial Trivia 
(1) Name 4 out of 9 Supreme Ct. justices 
(2) Name 1 state trial court, name 1 state appellate court 
(3) Name 1 of the 29 judges in Charlotte (not Scrappy) 
Round 3: Congressional Trivia
(1) How many Congressional Districts are in NC? 
(2) How many electoral college votes does NC have? 
*Give directions to a lost old man looking for thr Ranson House. 
St. Marks School – Partner Dora
BombBox Indian Run back to St. Marks school. ?Partner Up 
Partner 1 – 20 donkey kicks | Partner 2 – Hot Lap
Repeato with (1) 10 incline merkins / 10 declines, (2) 10 lunges each leg, (3) wall sit heel touches x 10
4 corners – Sprint the shorts (5 burpees), Jog the longs (10 merkins) 
MARY – 1 min elbow plank
1. Baller knows Cambodian somehow? Awesomeness and he is an HC to #CutTheGut. 
2. Toxic randomly guesssed Judge Smith and got the steal on music trivia. There's always a "Smith." Good call Toxic. 
3. Titan triedto pretend to be KnockOut to no avail. Knockout absolutely Crushed the Music Trivia. He knew every song and every title. 
4. BoarHog knew the oldies and classic rock. Should have known with his taste in cars – '73 Mercedes convertible. A few PAX nearly got flattened by Tripper.  
5. SwampFox is super fast. Get on the website bro. 
6. Omaha still nursing a foot fracture. He may be the smartest Pax from a pure IQ, but little help on trivial knowledge. 
My bad on skipping you as #WarDaddy – BoarHog led us in COT.  BoarHog and Omaha and YHC hit coffeteria at Summitt near Jason's Deli. Good times men. 
7.  TItan, Knockout, Baller, and Omaha all HC'd for #CutTheGut Challenge at the COT.  On MMM (Memorial Day Murph) Monday, the PAX with the biggest transformation will win.  
(1) Omaha was the #WarDaddy, not #BoarHog
(2) 15 Electoral Votes for NC, not 14. My bad. I guess the Congressional Districts DO NOT correlate or represent the amount of electoral college votes.  