Knockout Punch @ Fission

Event Date

Apr 25, 2019


Quick mosey around the parking lot


SSH 25x IC

IST 15x IC

Cotton picker 15x IC

Toy soldier 15x IC

Windmill 10x IC


Mosey to playground across from bus parking lot

Step Ups 10x OYO

Decline Merkins 10x IC

Dips 10x IC

Box jumps 15x OYO 



Mosey to hill along driveway

Bear crawl up

Crawl bear down 

Lunge walk up

Reverse lunge walk down


Mosey to back parking lot

Muhammad Ali’s 30x IC

Incline merkins 15x IC

Plank walk around island 



Mosey to another playground 

Pull ups 10x OYO

Steps ups 10x OYO

Dips 20x OYO

Repeato 2x


Mosey to wall 

People’s chair with Air press 15x IC

Plank ups on wall 10x IC

Balls to the wall 10 sec count off



Circle up for Mary 

Pretzel crunch 10x IC

Low flutter 10x IC

Dying cockroach 10x IC

Bam Bam’s ascending to 5

Rosalita Whip 10x IC

LBCs 20x IC

Burpees 5x

World War II sit ups 15x




Prayer circle