KoolAid before bedtime or before workout

Warm O Rama

Slow mosey around parking lot while 3 cars coming in hot, Side step drill, High Knee. pick up 3 pax

Disclaimer… No FNG. move on.

x20 SSH ( YHC yelled " DROP " ) hold plank position. x10 Mountain Climber. recover. we're not finish yet.

x10 Windmill ( Sweet C & Blackbeard said " would you slow it down. Dang Koolaid " ) YHC slow windmill, better?

x10 Cotton Picker

x10 Imperial Storm Trooper. YHC That's enough warm up

The Thang:

1st Island sort of. stay away from Sweet C and Gnarly Goat vehicle. I've seen Sweet C warning before.

x10 American Swing, x10 Diamond Merkin on kettle bell, x10 Sumo Squat Kettle bell

right arm Zamperini to 2nd Island

x20 American Swing, x20 Diamond Merkin on KB, x20 Sumo Squat with KB, x20 Decline Chest Press with KB (Glute Bridge position) Thanks to Shoe. we miss you Shoe!

Left arm Zamperini to 3rd Island

x30 American Swing ( GG – "This is impossible" YHC just smile on GG), x30 Diamond Merkin on KB, x30 Sumo Squat with KB, x30 Decline Chest Press with KB, x20 Shuffle KB Plank Position

Both arms Zamperini around parking lot to 2nd Island

x15 Upright Row, 1 minute Hold Upright Row then slowly to squat position hold it for 45 secs.

x10 each Uneven Merkin KB, x10 each Lawnmower

Move to 1st Island

x10 Calf Raise

1st group do one merkin on two kettle bell then switch position to x10 dips while group 2 ,Bear Crawl to shed storage scratch that. BC to fence then run back. Flip Flop.

x10 each Hammer Side Swing, ( YHC said " don't put down your kettle bell"

 x10 Full Curl, x10 Skull Crusher, x10 Low Curl, x10 High Curl

Circle up for some Mary go Around pass your kettle bell counter clockwise then clockwise.

Pax line up (Indian Run Style) Zamperini until Q say stop. left to sidewalk back building. Do you see what I see? The Count said Oh boy! YHC, put down your KB.

3 sets Crawl Bear, Australian Mountain Climber, Shoulder Press

Crawl bear to the wall

x10 Australian Mountain Climber, Bear Crawl to your kettle bell do x10 Shoulder Press

Crawl Bear to the wall

x20 Australian Mountain Climber, Bear Crawl to your KB x20 Shoulder Press

Crawl Bear to the wall

x30 Australian Mountain Climber, Bear Crawl to your KB x30 Shoulder Press

back to parking lot, wait… lets do mary here at tiny hill

x10 Incline little Baby Crunch with kettle bell, x10 Incline Low Flutter

now we can move to parkling lot. Oh, look it's Recover, Recover.


First, I want to say big Thank you all The Cauldron crew for coming and supporting this awesome AO.

The Force – Did I deliver tough workout? let me know because next Friday 2/23/18 I've the key to The General. It won't be easy stretching and light workout. Tclaps to you and Amen for run standard.

Also, TClaps to ruck standard. Sweet C, Blackbeard, Holiday, Gnarly Goat, The Count & YHC. 3 miles 16 min pace. Is that correct BB? Thank you Sweet C for the route and this time we have avoided the hill. lots of conversation while doing ruck. lets see, we saw about 6 Deers, a dozen of bunnies but zero Coyote. FitPole for The Count's membership was expired. we're debating either stop at McDonalds while SweetC order breakfast while the rest of us go around McDonald parking lot or look for gas station per The Count. I don't know if he need pizza breakfast or something. BB mentioned about his outdoor camping experience and almost encounter a BEAR. the Bear decided to sniff and scratch BB's Yeti cooler. One advice, NEVER leave your cooler outside.just saying. per SweetC Polar bear is more aggressive than Kodiak Bear. Google it!

5 ruckers said look at that kool aid legs, he's leading us on fast pace. well, what can I say. Koolaid is good. I won't lie I was smoke for 3miles. It's really stupid to do 430am standard. just saying.

Great turn out this morning 13 pax decided to come out and not fartsack and they just kept following me. Thank you.

Big Tclaps to Amen, Mona Lisa, 66, Knockout, Bob Ross, Frontier of course The Force. strong finished gentlemen!

I don't know about 6 miles ruck tomorrow but I'm sore today. BB gave us option either 4 or 8 miles or 4 miles then Mighty Jungle.

Goat – Thank you sir for taken us out in prayer.

The Count – It is my honor to lead the men this morning. forever greatful for EHing me 3 years ago.

unitl next time

Titan Out!