Kosar Does Dragon Slayer

Event Date

Apr 01, 2021

It has been years since I have been to or Q Dragon Slayer. No better place to get my 31st work out in 32 days to cap off my March Madness. I started the month at a large 177.8 and was able to whittle myself down to 163.8 with lots of sweat and healthy eating. Still a long way to go to get back to my old fighting weight. 

So Cherry Bomb told me that if I were going to Q Dragon Slayer I better bring it. I did my best and this is what it looked like. 

Warm UP

– Jogged around church
– SSH for a few
– The exercise you reach between your legs and clap
– IST & TS
– A few merkins for good measure. 


The Thing

We grabbed our bells and moseyed down by the pull up bars, with a jump rope in hand and circled up when we got there. 

– 20 KB swings
– 20 ish curls
– 20 shoulder presses


Short Circuit:

Carrying the bell, the entire time we first went to the pull up bars

– 10 pull ups
– 10 toe touches

Carry the bells jogging down to the next light post. 

– 50 hops with the rope
– 15 merkins

Carry the bell back to the original light

– 10 burpees
– 10 squats
– 10 shoulder press

Repeat 3 more times. 

Then jogged with bells and rope back to the start

– 20 normal crunch
– 15 merks
– 15 norman cruch
– 15 merks
– 5 burpees



Over all it seemed to be a pretty OK workout that kept the heart beating and burned a few calories. 
We agreed the toe touches sucked. It seems everyone but me needed more work and did the squats with the bell, 
not YHC. 

Thank you Cherry Bomb, Popcorn & Enron for working out with and older guy. Plus, Uncle Ricco who is a beast for any age. 
