Kosar is upset we are doing #TheKosar ?

#pb for Dragonslayer went out a little late last night, YHC actually smiled to himself at the thought of how antsy Cherry Bomb must have been

The #pb said to post by 0525. Most got the memo. No warmup or disclaimer given – YHC took off and 6 other knuckleheads followed me, making questionable life choices for a full 45 minutes

The Thang = #TheKosar

Kosar loves pullups and burpees. He enjoys short breaks with running in between, but only enough to break up the monotony

1 round = 6 minutes

  • 2 minute run, 1 minute out and 1 minute back
  • 10 burpees in 1 minute
  • 10 pullups in 1 minute
  • 10 burpees in 1 minute
  • 10 pullups in 1 minute

We completed 7 rounds, which took 42 minutes, plus time to run back to the cars for CoT. Those who kept pace completed 140 pullups, 140 burpees and ~2miles. 


  • Tugs took off like a rocket on the first run – he didn't make that mistake twice
  • A few minutes into the first round Popcorn takes off to find any latecomers. He comes back with a recently activated Kotter: Fescue! Welcome back!
  • About round 4 Fescue proceeds to tell us he hasn;t done a burpee or pullup in over a year. What a way to come back. Great example of how to push through and keep going – thanks for showing up today.
  • Ask Popcorn whether a region should have a presence on Twitter – he has strong opinions, loosely held
  • Hearing Tammy Faye always makes me think of Tina Fey. And then I look at Tammy Faye and get really confused.
  • HSB was a huge fan of the workout. He may do it again later today once he wakes up from his nap.
  • No one quit. Kosar did extra reps
  • Cherry Bomb was so scared of the workout he Q'ed somewhere else
  • DonHo was so scared of the workout, he injured himself
  • Jobe was so scared of the workout he went DR
  • We lifted up all those who are struggling with loss, fatigue, life in general. May we keep an eye out for those we can lift up around us, and not be afrid to raise our hand and call out when we need a lift