Kosar Kills Kauldron

Thursday night I go to the calendar to see who is Qing. Ya, I saw Kosar, good thing I checked. 

Warm up was some ssh and slow windmill. 

– 2o curls, run ramp, 10 burpees
– 20 curls, 20 shoulder press ramp, 10 burpees, next ramp, 15 squats,
– 15 curls, 15 SP, 20 bent over row, 10 burpees, ramp, 15 squats, ramp, 20 merkins
– 15 curls, 15 sp, 20 BOR, 20 skull crushers, 10 burpees, ramp, 15 squat, ramp, 20 merkins, ramp 20 squats

let the PAX call it and I am blank…..

That was the bulk of it, make some tweaks. 

I promised a sweat and thx to the warm weather we did sweat. 

I woke up soar on Sat. So that is a good sign. 

It is always you vs you but there is some always pushing from our fellow PAX.

If you want to get stronger you can, push.

