Kosar Mini Vern

Event Date

Jul 13, 2021

It has been a long time since I ran the Vern but was Qing The Blender. I gave the Pax a choice, either lots of running or lots of Burpees http://f3lakenorman.com/backblast/the-diddy-0 – Old Swing State workout. 

They picked the mini Vern. 

– We ran around the church down to the pull up area (not a mile).

10  – pull ups – run down around the rock
15 – dips on tire – run down around the rock
20 – merkins – run down around the rock
25 – LBC or reg. crunchs – run down around the rock
repeat x 5

It has been a long time so I was not sure of the reps. The running was not as long as a normal Vern but we worked out hard. Once finished we did different exersices till all were finished then kept doing them as a group. 

We ran back to the starting spot going the same route. I had written down 5 exersices that the guys picked out of a bowl and could switch with any one of the vern exersices outside of pull ups but everyone did the true vern. We did the rest of those exersices – – – – Recover, Recover

Total miles was 2.89, not bad

– It doesn't matter how much I work out, I am always struggling to keep up with the scrapper (machine)
– I think if Over budget knew that I was going to do a running workout, he would have gone to another Q, but he crushed it. 
– Flo shared that he has drop 10 lbs over the last month doing intermittent fasting, I am a big fan, getting down to college football size
– Next time Tommy Q's, I am in. He pushes hard just like me so I know I will get a great workout. Sign me up. 

3 for coffee Scrappy/Flo/Me – I really enjoy relaxing and catching up!
