Kosar Q’s MMM

FNG = Jeff Lau — Please welcome Tight Rope

Hello my fellow early risers. Sorry for being slow to get this out. Busy is not a good excuse. 

Quick Recap

Warm Up:

– jog for bit

– SSH 10 then burpee x 3 (Made Out Law Not Happy)

– TS


Take bell to pull up bar area, zamparini if you like

split into 1s and 2s

– 1s = 20 curls, 2s 10 pull ups switch

– repeat only 7 pull ups

– repeat only 4 pull ups

– 20 merkins

head to benches

– 20 step ups each leg

– 10 jump sqats

– 15 step ups each leg

– 10 jump sqats

– 20 dips IC

Back to bars

– 20 curls, 7 pull ups

– 20 merkins

back to start

– 20 carolina dry docks

– 20 straight arm raises with the bell

– 20 KB swings

– 20 shoulder press


– 10 KB squats

– 10 hand release merkins


On our 6

– I don't remember. I did a few then started asking for help and everyone was great. 


– I am always impressed by the 50+ respect that shows up and leads. It was a solid mix of PAX I work out with a good bit and PAX I don't always see. 

– I must have done something right because there was limited mumble chatter, a little bit here and there. Love how cobra kai has the gift to determine the reps. 

– It is rare that I get to lead a Q with an FNG naming. Jeff Lau (if I am spelling right), mr. cool hawaiian name. So one of the things that stood out was that he can ride a bike with one wheel. Some time people are known to try to ride one across a tight rope. Looking forward to seeing him at more post.

– Monday was the 42nd anniversary of when my dad passed back in 1980. He died at 40 and was pretty healthy, I was 4. As you can imagin it was a tough on my family, Mom and 5 kids. None of us are promised tomorrow. Live each day to the fullest, work to be happy and try to make those around you happy. Always let the ones you love know it everytime you see them because it could be the last time they hear you say it. 

– forgive me if my BB is lacking, not all that good at them 

Thanks Cobra Kai!

