Kosar Survives Mad Sci Experiment

FNG-1 = ThickBurger 

11 crazies showed up for a Scraptastic voyage to my old AO.  Kosar ran the standard and almost died. 

  1. Mini Sharknado – run to 2nd deck.  15 burpees, run down stairs, run back up deck.  5 rounds
  2. Cliff Hanger pull ups
  3. Circle of Pain 
  4. Wall Sits/Balls to Wall
  5. DPK Patio Dora 100/100/100 
  6. Fast deck ascent 


COT Scrappy 


A.  Popcorn continues stellar leadership at the beast of an AO.  I can't remember the last time I got caught from behind up the dizzying spiral Mad Sci punishing parking deck.  PopCorn carries on the Mad Sci Master Q tradition with honor not letting any Pax pass him. My man. Boom. 

B.  Kosar ran the standard and was in SweatFest City by the end. 

C.  Thick Burger is launching a new AO at Blythe at 0700 – boom. 

D.  Liger's manifestation of his hybrid spirit animal was scary. But I liked it.  Bang.  

E.  Swanson missed his calling as a military man based on the ferver of his call sign announcement. Uh. 


F.  Qbert made a cameo and in all truth said he was trying to avoid jury duty by working out with me the morning of his voir dire. Nice try! Apparently he was struck as a juror anyway due to his connection with nefarious, unruly and an illegitimate assocation with underground organizations rooted in nonconformity and anarchy (wait maybe that's just describing Qbert's taste in music such as screamo metal band selections?) — either way, Qbert was out! 

G.  Qbert noted that Etch resembled the evil character from Sonic the Hedgehog with his sculpted beard and inquiring eyebrows.  Yes! 

H.  Good to see Amen, Frontier, Carpetbagger (Respect!) 


I.  Kosar and I stepped on each other's backs to reach the cliff hanger pullups.  I did the same back in 1983 when my brother and I needed to reach our quarters into the vending machines.  $.25 for a Coke! 

Kosar survived but laid on the sidewalk for several minutes in a pool of blood, sweat, and regret.  He finally recovered.  

Firestone was missed. Happy to step in last minute always. 

