Kotters and runners crushing kettlebells

A little rain ain’t creeping these pax in the fart sack…

There was chatter that only GBs would show in support, that Starbucks was open and dry, and that there were no dry areas around The Cauldron.  

Only one of those was true, as we found out at coffeteria after the following unfolded:

(all in cadence unless otherwise specified)

SSH x 20

Peter Parker x 10

Parker Peter x 10

IST x 10

Carrot Puller x 10

The Thang…did most of this stuff 3 times:

KB Curls (low curl x 10, high curl x 10, full curl x 10)

KB lawnmower (left x 10, right x 10)

Plank mower (left x 10, right x 10)

20 KB swings OYO

KB Goblet squat x 10

KB lunge x 20

Jack Webb 1:1 Merkin to KB press ratio to 7

KB Halo x 10

Stack the shelves x 10

Skull crushers x 10

Freddie Mercury’s x 10

KB press Low Flutter x 10


– Auto asked for Moroccan Night Clubs although he refused to demo

– Cooter and Perrier are back!!!  Welcome back Kotters, the gloom is better with you there

– Titan was fashionably late…and fashionable in the yellow poncho

– all shared KBs today…show to lnow

– DH took us out like a champ

Thank you The Count and Amen for the opportunity to lead today.  Also thank you to Aussie for the EH to F3 years ago.  Announcements include Speed for Need opportunities at the Huntersville Half. 
