I believe there were 8 pax who actually planned to run 2.5 miles, eat a dozen donuts and run 2.5 miles back. I’m not sure how many accomplished the feat, but all are worse off for it. There were several others (perhaps more than participants) that came to see what all the hub-bub was about.-Thanks to all who came out to CSAUP or others who came out to observe, cheer, make fun and clean up vomit (no merlot has been spilled as of the writing of this BB). -We missed a namarama, and my sugar-infused brain is performing at sub optimal levels, so sound off to be added to the pax list if I missed you.-Amazing HIMs: Carpetbagger who immediately joined in with the idea and helped make it happen and Frogger who early on simply asked, “What can I do to help?”-Special accomplishment for Lighthouse who just showed up, was told there was an extra dozen 8f he wanted, and he jumped right in…WOW!-Great to see Skipper from MECA (OG from LKN), who made a special trip to come and just demolish the competition.-Tell your personal experience in the comments so we can all share in each other’s misery, uh, I mean, success.