LA at F3Brunswick

Event Date

Jan 17, 2025


Jewel led The Force, Coon Bait and Foo Foo through a unique and fun beatdown this morning here in Leland, NC (F3BruCo by Wilmington).

We moseyed away from town hall to the brewery (I’ve now been to this brewery 3 times and each time in the dark of the morning and no – they don’t serve beer that early).  

We did a reverse Indian Run (you can still say that when it’s in reverse) of reverse lunges with the pax looping around to the front (which was the back) by Bernie Sanders’ing it (backpedaling).  2 laps, much burn.

We also endured a “tabata-rama” as well as a “hump-o-rama”.  Yeah.  Those both happened.

Then an awful pace challenge of sprints.  Jewel is a gym teach at the middle school and the pax were witness to his creativity today.

There was an awful bear crawl with merkins, shoulder taps and plank jacks built in throughout. 

It was awful, fun and awfully fun.  These guys in BruCo are fantastic.  My true brothers DR.
