Labor Day @ Arnies

Event Date

Sep 04, 2023


-Mosey to the bridge

 *Pax holds plank while other pax bear crawl underneath until we reach the other end.

*A few squats to rest our arms.

 *Back to the AO via quadrafillia, high knees, butt kickers, karaoke.


-Grab a block and meet at top of the parking lot

 *Exercises with laps

  -Exercises included WW3 sit-ups, flying squirrels, no cheat merkins, flutter kicks, skull crushers, squat thrusters, curls, chest presses, and surely some I am forgetting.

  – Laps included rifle carry the block, quadrafillia, ruck with block, mosey



*Worked some pigeon in there



*Various campaign slogans and strategies were discussed for Hippie.

*Tammy Faye was happy to work his shoulders but really needs a shower apparently.

*Missing those few cooler days already as this was a sweatfest.

*Where did all the PAX go today???

*Took inspiration from the IPC video for a few of the exercises. I like WW3 situps and the No Cheat merkins. Those will return again.