Labor Day Ultimate Relay Circuit Challenge

17 men ok 19 men (adding Chewy to those posted above) gave up part of their hard-earned day off and took on 17 stations during the Labor Day Ultimate Relay Circuit Challenge.  Had to see some proof that Closer and C# did the workout this morning from the beach.  I can't say I know what circuit they did but they were dressed for the occasion 😉



20 IC Side-straddle hops

20 IC Mountain Climbers

10 IC Windmill Cotton Pickers

10 IC Imperial Storm Troopers




Split into teams of two (three for one team, since there was an odd number). 

2.0’s pair up with their dad.

We used the (mostly) gravel track at the Rescue Squad Park (0.56 miles) and all of the pain stations/stops along the way, including the little shelters. 

At the start, one team heads out on the track toward the 1st station and everyone else will be at a station inside the pavilion.  Stations inside the pavilion are to start off each lap and to bunch everyone back up after each lap.  Teams rotate through the stations every 30-35 seconds with one team heading on to the track each time. 

The stations in the pavilion were:

  1. Incline Plank
  2. Incline Mericans
  3. Step-ups
  4. Dips
  5. Decline Plank
  6. Monkey Humpers
  7. Decline Mericans

Head out on the track

One team is released every 30-35 seconds until all are out on the track.

This is a relay, meaning that, once out on the track, a team may not advance to the next station until tagged by the incoming team.  Once the team behind you tags, you are released to run to the next station.  Until you are tagged, complete AMRAP at each station.  The last team will just complete approximately 30 seconds (minimum 10 reps) of each station and move along.

There were 10 stations outside the pavilion at varying distances around the track:

(1) Leg Raises

(2) Incline Mericans

(3) Parallel Bar Arm Walk

(4) Contra-Burpees (add one push-up to your burpee each time you drop)

(5) Reverse Crunches (one team member on the incline leg-raise apparatus)

(6) Rest

(7) Pull-ups at the bars

(8) Squats

(9) Down-under pull-ups

(10) Bear Crawl the concrete heading in to the pavilion (approximately 20 yds.)

Once you are back in the pavilion, you continue with the inside stations until you reach the station you started with. 


Quick pause



Quick pause

REPEATO! #CrowdPleaser


No time for Mary



Colossians 3:

23 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters,

24 since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.



  • Reflection was a little bit of a repeato from someone else’s recent workout but it seemed apropos for Labor Day.
  • My apologies for not thinking up a circuit option that would have been a little friendlier to the younger 2.0s
  • Q wasn’t sure how the timing and logistics of this were going to work out – and it took a little explaining – but it seemed to go ok.
  • Kudos to Frisbee, Skipper, Cheetah and Abrams for getting in some pre-workout laps.
  • Thanks to Nittany for leading a post-workout run through Frisbee’s…um…I mean the Frisbee Golf Course.  Another 0.55 miles of ‘fun’ through the ups and downs of the woods.  Frisbee, Cheetah, Diesel and Sonar went along with Nitt for the tour.
  • Pleasant surprise to find Cabella’s open for business!  Coffeeteria was great, as always.
  • As always, gentlemen, it was an honor to be allowed to lead and be led this morning.