Labor Day @ Vanquisher

Event Date

Sep 05, 2016

Also in attendance: Zohan, needs to register to the site, and Powerball, visiting from F3Highlands.

Many PAX thought Labor Day would be the perfect day to fartsack and enjoy so extra Zzzz, but 6 brave men resloved to get up, get out the door, and get stronger. They showed up to a quiet, cool morning at Grand Oak Elementary and this is what they found…


Mosey though the parking lot, QIC calling high knees, butt kickers, shuffles, the usual. Make our way to the basketball courts behind Grand Oak.

SSH x15 IC

Cotton Pickers x 15 IC

Toy Soldiers x 15 IC

10 Burpees OYO

Mosey over to the stack and grab a Cinder Block.

The Thang: 


Shoulder Press x 10 IC

Dips x 10 IC

Curls x 10 IC

Decline Merkins x 10 IC

Goblet Squats x 10 IC

1 Lap around the Track

Round 2: Partner up

Partner 1, LBCs AMRAP while Partner 2 Farmer Carry both blocks down and back 

Flap Jack

Partner 1, Low Flutters AMRAP, While Partner 2 Farmer Carry down and back

Flap Jack

Round 3: Repeato Round 1

Round 4:

While holding People's Chair

Seal Claps x 15 IC

Air Press x 15 IC

Everyone over to the picnic table, 6 man overhead press x 15 IC

Back to People's Chair

Overhead Clap  x 15 IC

Heel touchs x 15 IC

Back to the picnic tables, 6 man press x 12 IC

Lap around the Track

Round 5:

Mosey to the front of the school

Leap Frog over the concrete balls, 1 merkin inbetween each all the way down, Repeato back the other way. 


Low Flutter x 30 IC

Low Dolly x 15 IC

Freddy Mercury x 15 IC

Pickle Pounder x 15 IC

Recover Recover


Quiet morning but glad to see some fresh faces at #F3Vanquisher.

Always a pleasure to post with Hippie, strong work brother!

Glad to have Powerball visiting from Highlands, your welcome in isotope anytime my friend.

Zohan! so glad to see you out in the gloom.  Actually this guy is one of my best buds and I have failed in doing my part to get him out more.  3rd post though, a few more and you'll be hooked. #drinktheKoolAid

Welcome FNG Jody! TClaps BillyBob for sharing the blessing of F3 with a friend.

**I need Qs for Vanquisher! September is still wide open.  Great opportunity for a first Q, let me know if your interested.

That is all my friends, Prayers for safety for everyone running the BRR this weekend. 

Chapo Out