Labor Under the Disc

FNG-1 is Eric Brown, friend of Crude outta Davidson, from Utah, married, 6 (six!!) kids, in finance, ties with the game Fortnight on the business (bih-NETH) end, and has been in several companies over the years.  HUGE Univ. of Utah fan and grad, and at 48, he looks more like 38…..maybe.   

FNG-2 is John Miller who was named The Grinch at his 'initial' naming post (a well earned moniker as he threw a young 2.0 OUT with the kickball during a kickball game).  However, Grinch was already taken in the south somewhere, so Dreamkiller became his new F3 name, as of today.  Of note…..Dreamkiller is SUPER SPEEDY if you are trying to cover him playing ULTIMATE–which was what we did on this fine day. Oh, did YHC forget to mention that?

Warm-ups (IC) The Pledge, IST's 15, CDD's 10, Squats 10, CP's 10, Slow Deep Merkins 15, Toy Soldiers 10. Mozy to parking lot, High Knees, Butt Kickers, R/L Karaoke x2. COP-WM's, Count to 2 to divide into teams (was useless task, BTW), then a brief explanation of Ulitmate ensued, Discraft took one team, YHC the other, then we went lights vs. darks by T-shirt colors.  

ULTIMATE: This was, by far, the best game we've had with incredible throw and catch, GREAT 'value' of the disc, and some incredible running by the Pax.  IF your team was scored upon, you dropped and did 5 burpees as the other team ran to their goal line to initiate the 'pull'.  Some amazing performances by FNG Eric Brown, Dreamkiller (the man formerly known as The Grinch), Usain, Straight Cash, and Pyle.  YHC's team had Pyle, Chief, The Senator, and Apehangers….it was a HUGE 'height mismatch', but Discraft coached his crew so well that, while score was not 'kept', it is believed the non-Discraft team did more burpees than Discraft's team….nuff said.  Bunnyhop up steps to exit the playing arena into..

Mary: Plank, Low Flutter 30 IC, LBC's 25 IC.  Recover, recover.


-All that particiapted really stepped up this week, moreso than usual.  LOTS of running, jumping (yes, AIR was seen under Brushless's feet!), and come great throws and catches!

-Discraft was able to display some throws that were truly remarkable, and what complimented his throws were the awesome catches made by the Pax!

-Usain, after having made not one but TWO diving defensive plays (Did I mention he's a respect??!!) he casually disclosed he played dback IN COLLEGE!  What?  Awesome, that's very cool.

-AFTER one of Usain's sick diving defensive plays, which tipped the disc, Cheif made a 'bid' to catch the disc, falling down, tapping and touching it several times…..until he finally wrestled the disc securely from the air, and scored a 'point'.  It was 7:52, and that was the last play of the game, as it should be.

-Thanks Usain for the keys to The Glen

-Any suggestions for naming Eric Brown would be GREAT, let's continue this on Slack.