Lack of Creativity

Event Date

Sep 10, 2019

5 showed for a steamy workout at The Quarry. Q gave Pax a choice between Workout A and Workout B. Pax chose workout A and we were off. Disclaimer said during workout.


SSH 20 IC, Cherry Picker 15 IC, Mekins 10 IC


Murph (Workout A)

1 mile run

100 pull ups

200 merkins

300 squats

1 mile run

Wrapped with Leg Lifts 20 IC, Burpees 10 OYO, LBC 20 IC, Merkins 10 IC (3 counts down)


  • Surf and Turf gets credit for naming the workout. His first comment to Q once he knew the set was….."I expected some creativity out of you this morning." Thanks Surf.
  • Kruggerand was disappointed with the "A" choice although option B would have involved a decent number of pull ups as well
  • Ozzie invented a new F3 exercise today…..the "LBS". He's really good at these. Ozzie and Kruggerand  positioned under the street lights for their merkins and squats….think they were looking for the feedback.
  • Tool Time crushing it lately. Surf was throwing out some props during the workout.
  • Surf has the EH on the Pax to pick up some Q's
  • Kruggerand is mentoring a 9 YO named Kevin. He's had it pretty rough so far in life. Keep Kevin in your prayers. Solid work Krug.
  • Prayer requests for Matt (Tool's boss), Kevin (see above) and Patrick (Surf's friend). We also prayed today for a break in the humidity and for those with substance abuse issues.
  • Great work today fellas. Thanks for letting me lead today.